[Comunicare É Vivere logo]
[Comunicare É Vivere]
Associazione fra non udenti ed udenti

CECOEV is an association grouping the hearing and hearing impaired which has as its objective promoting, through studies and projects, a series of initiatives aimed at making someone who is hearing impaired a person with the same rights as a hearing person, in all fields which involve everyday communication in society.

CECOEV takes care of studying projects to ensure that communication, in a social and civil context, is facilitated through the use of technological aids and human services, with the aim of offering the same opportunities to the hearing and the deaf.

Particular effort has been reserved to the Television Subtitling Project, which is directed towards proposing qualitative and quantitative improvements to the subtitling of television broadcasts on the countries national television stations as well as certain private ones.

For this it often prepares, since as 1994, in collaboration with other similar Associations such as ALFA, proposals for such improvements, and was successful when, in January 1996, the regular subtitling of two of the mornings news broadcasts finally started taking place. CECOEV also follows other Associations' experiments with regards to a telephone relay system for calls between the hearing and hearing impaired.

[Dividing Line Image]

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Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
Ultima modifica: September 1, 1997
