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European Year of Disabled People 2003

. . . introduced the framework of the decision for the 2003 European Year of Disabled People and detailed the purpose and the key actions of the European Year. ...

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Guliano Pirelli (JRC) presented JRC's Exploratory Research project's proposal for encouraging European broadcasters to use subtitles and audio description of all the European Events that will take place in the framework of the European Year of Disabled People. He pointed out that the new information technologies allow TV broadcasters and DVD producers to develop these applications easily, but that a concerted action is necessary to convince them to follow this way. The Group agreed on the approach and underlined how important it would be that this proposal may become a real project and therefore contribute in preparing, in year 2002, the Year 2003's events. ...

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E-mail message

Cher Monsieur Sorel,

Suite a nos contacts, je vous confirme l'interet que nous portons au projet concernant le soustitrage qui est en discussion chez vous.
Evidemment, les efforts pour etendre les systemes de soustitrage pour les malentendents pourraient beneficier enormement ce groupement de la population - qui croit tout le temps.
Comme nous allons lancer bientot l'Annee Europeennee des Personnes Handicappees 2003, ce genre de projet donnerait un essor supplementaire a nos efforts de combattre l'exclusion des malentendents de la vie normale.
En esperant que votre projet sera retenu.

3rd May 2001,
John Sinnott,
Head of Unit
European Commission, Employment and Social Affairs DG
Direction E - Social protection and social integration
Integration of people with disabilities