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ANNEX 5 Partners and activities of the Netd@ys VOICE Project General, scientific and technical co-ordination: JRC-ISIS, Brussels, Belgium (Ispra Site) VOICE Forum, VOICE Special Interest User Group; VOICE Discussion Forum, VOICE Chat Line; Space on the VOICE Forum for the Netd@ys VOICE Help Desk; Access to the Internet for people with special needs; Presentations to schools; Organisation of a video-conference and a television transmission; Schools and Universities: Istituto Tecnico Statale di Comunicazioni Multimediali (ITSOS), Milan, Italy Tests of subtitling school lessons for the benefit of deaf students; Organisation of a Workshop on voice recognition and multimedia applications; Collaboration in preparing a subtitled video-tape on school and deafness; Liceo Scientifico Omodeo, Mortara (Pavia), Italy Tests of subtitling of foreign language lessons for the benefit of the hearing students; Tests of subtitling of lessons of the host country's language for the immigrated; Liceo Artistico Frattini, Varese, Italy Tests of subtitling school lessons for the benefit of deaf students; Liceo Scientifico Oriani, Ravenna, Italy Tests of subtitling school lessons for the benefit of deaf students; Scuola Elementare e Materna, 1° Circolo, Cantù (Como), Italy Tests of subtitling school lessons for the benefit of deaf children; Istituto Professionale di Stato per l'Industria e l'Artigianato, Milan, Italy Sensibilisation of teachers and references for the Workshop; Institut für Hör- und Sehbildung (IHSB), Linz, Austria Tests of subtitling school lessons and conferences for the benefit of deaf students; Educational Endeavour Computer Science for the Blind, University of Linz, Austria Collaboration with IHSB and other schools in Austria; Collaboration with JRC-ISIS for the access of the blind to the VOICE Forum; Associations of the deaf: ALFA, Associazione Lombarda Famiglie Audiolesi, Milan, Italy User needs analysis and specific aspects related to deafness; Tests of subtitling conferences for the benefit of deaf participants; Collaboration with ITSOS school of Milan; AFA, Associazione Famiglie Audiolesi, Cantù (Como), Italy User needs analysis and specific aspects related to deafness; Tests of subtitling conferences for the benefit of deaf participants; Collaboration with Scuola Elementare e Materna of Cantù; Institut für Hör- und Sehbildung (IHSB), Linz, Austria User needs analysis and specific aspects related to deafness at its own Institute; Collaboration with other schools in Austria; APEDAF, Association Parents Enfants Déficients Auditifs Francophones, Brussels, Belgium User needs analysis and specific aspects related to deafness; Collaboration with schools in Belgium; NDCS, National Deaf Children's Society, London, United Kingdom User needs analysis and specific aspects related to deafness; Collaboration with schools in United Kingdom. Software houses: FBL, Mortara (Pavia), Italy, Specific developments of the prototype demonstrator and technical support to the schools; NET, New Educational Technologies, Colorno (Parma), Italy Development of the Netd@ys VOICE Help Desk and multimedia tele-education support.
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