Proposal of
as submitted to DG-XXII-Netd@ys in April 1998
Activities of the Netd@ys VOICE Project during the Netd@ys week
presenting the VOICE Project and the possible applications
of voice to text, by using the prototype demonstrator for subtitling
school lessons for the benefit of deaf students and language lessons
for the benefit of any student; the presentations will be held at
the schools that are already using the prototype and will be organised
as an open doors week addressed to visiting teachers and
students from other schools;
organising a video-conference among the schools which are already
using the prototype and other schools looking for information on
the system or wishing to learn how to use it;
inserting part of the videoconference in television programs for
the schools;
preparing a pamphlet, a subtitled videotape and/or a Cd-Rom on
school and deafness;
organising a Workshop on voice recognition and multimedia applications,
intended as training course for teachers, with the collaboration
of the provincial super-intendents of public education;
spreading the access to the VOICE Forum for providing information
on possible applications of voice to text recognition in the schools;
facilitating the starting of new contacts via the VOICE Special
Interest User Group;
encouraging the discussion of the technical and pedagogic aspects
of voice to text recognition via the VOICE Discussion Forum;
spreading information on the Netd@ys VOICE Help Desk aimed
to providing on line help on the use of applications of voice to
text recognition in school lessons and on the use of the Internet;
stimulating the use of the VOICE Chat Line for exchanging
chatting and informal messages on aspects related to the Project
and in other fields at schools and also from home; this is particularly
interesting for enhancing contacts among deaf students and their
hearing friends;
co-ordinating a large search on the Internet for finding other
similar applications in the world and for getting in touch with
schools performing similar tests and with associations of the deaf.