IPSC Exploratory Research 2005-2006 Proposal
1. Title of exploratory project
(SEcure and SAfe MObility NET)
2. Objectives
The objective of this inter-Units proposal is the development of an integrated system, to increase mobility of people with disability and their personal safety and security, by:
This may be done by the use of transponders. We have already reached a good
experience in this field for animal tagging. Transponders are available for
reuse for this new application, thus allowing a reliable and low cost solution.
All the associated technology (i.e. readers, antennas, database structure)
is already developed and has just to be customized to the new application.
This system, if correctly implemented in a design for all approach,
can be of great help for all users, particularly those with disability, adding
independence to their life. After tests the system's applications may be extended
to other categories of users and other situations.
3. Current state-of-the-art
To the best of our knowledge no systems with the indicated characteristics are presently available on the market. Some more complex and expensive systems have been installed in a few locations, with limits in the RF reference points, based not on passive transponders, but on active emitters, of a certain cost and requiring maintenance and power supply. The Walk Assistant installed by ENEA in Bologna and a few other towns gave interesting results, but the fixed system is rather difficult and expensive to install, while the portable equipment is rather large and heavy to carry. Satellite based GPS navigator systems allow a few meters precision, not enough accurate for this aim, and may help only outside the buildings.
4. Scientific novelty of the exploratory research project
This innovative solution will allow:
The scientific novelty of the project is also confirmed by the fact that a patent has been obtained on the last days (see point 10).
5. Why should the research be carried out as exploratory research and not in the framework institutional work
Because it is an innovative project that requires a preliminary exploratory research in order to develop a prototype demonstrator to be in the future customized to the needs of the final end users.
6. Why should the JRC carryout this project
Because an European Institution like the JRC should take a lead role to develop this technology and to spread it later for use for the advantage of the community of people with disability, as well as for other users.
(7. In case of ongoing projects only)
8. Work to be carried out, research methods/techniques, and deliverables
The work to be carried out is:
The system relies on existing technology to be customized for this special application:
The results of the research will be a pilot demo path to demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of the original idea.
The deliverables will be:
9. Very brief description of scientific background of proposed team leader/team members and list of up to five relevant publications per team
The team of is inter-Units proposal will be:
The basic idea is that of a large cross-table on different disabilities,
different actors, different technical aids and different aspects of safety
and security: JRC could concentrate on a few cells to demonstrate that research
is fundamental in order to improve the quality of life of all people.
So far, the VOICE Project has covered the cell of voice recognition for people
with hearing impairment, and more generally of information technology aids
for people with disability and of television subtitling for overcoming languages
barriers for all users. The present project will cover a few other cells and
demonstrate the possibility of transferring the experiences acquired in the
field of electronic identification towards other users and needs.
10. Possible follow-up (e.g. institutional actions, competitive projects).
Full implementation of the system in cooperation with local authorities,
cooperation with associations of people with disability (the Spanish ONCE,
the Italian UIC, the European Disability Forum EDF,…) as well as with international
emergency and security systems.
The style of this submission paper has to be improved, and in case represented
later on with a few collaboration declarations by the associations and
other parties interested in the project. When contacted in a rather general
and informal way, they confirmed their high interest. We could not go into
further details, since we considered important to hide them until a patent
could protect the basic idea.
The patent "Recycling transponders used for animal tagging, to
build a safe mobility net for disable" has been obtained on the 26/10/2004,
this allowing further contacts in the next weeks.
Deeper discussion and possible collaboration with other DGs may arise at the
next InterService Group on Disability, which will be held on the 23/11/2004
in Brussels, where Giuliano Pirelli will present the JRC activities in
the field of disability.
11. Resources: specific credits and persons months. Specific credits should be fully justified.