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Andrew Dowell
Progetto VOICE per la Didattica:
tesi svolte presso il Laboratorio VOICE
Andrew Dowell
Project Researcher, Stagiare at JRC-ISIS in 1997 and student at the Department of Electronics, University of York, UK.
![[Andrew's photo]](../_thesis/dowell.gif)
- Oct. 1994 - ? : BEng course in Electronic Engineering with Music Technology Systems, York University, UK.
The course includes:
Analogue Circuit Analysis
Digital Systems
Programming in C
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics
Recording Studio Techniques and Technology
Engineering Design
Software Engineering
Business Management
- Sep. 1980 - July 1994 : Student at the European School of Varese, Italy
European Baccalaureate: 74.10% Overall
- 1983 - 1994 : Royal Associated Board of Music Exams, UK
- Sep. 1996 - Aug. 1997 : Industrial Placement at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission working on "Voice to Text", an exploratory research project into applications of Information Technolgies for the deaf, disabled or elderly.
- Sep. 1995 - Feb. 1996 : Sales person at the York Tandy store (UK), selling electrical goods and components (including HIFIs, PCs, Televisions). This job involved stock-management, customer services and various aspects of financial management.
- July 1994 - Sep 1994 : Employee at the Hill Bros. Textile Mill (Bradford, UK) helping with the organisation and smooth running of their removal (machinary, materials and offices) to a new site