The subsections' titles of the different years' events are in (Lang:EN),
while each event is described either in (Lang:EN), or in
(Lang:IT) if held in Italy
NOTE ON EVENTS' AIMS (Use of colours
and codes):
[VOICE+] (azure background): events organised by the VOICE
Project, or by other organisations specifically on the VOICE Project;
[VOICE-] (beige background): events organised by other organisations
with VOICE Project's presentation;
[Voice+] : meetings organised by other organisations, with
discussions related to the VOICE Project (beige bord: press releases or other
particular cases);
[Voice-] : events in this field, organised by other organisations.
The + or - symbols may be followed by the
indication of the users' category: Associations, Education (Schools or University),
Televisions, EU (EC, ISGD, EP), etc.