Type of partners
Public institutions:
EC-JRC-ISIS: European Commission Joint Research Centre -Institute for Systems, Informatics and Safety: General, scientific and technical co-ordination of the Project; ACCESS TO EDUCATION Special Interest User Group;ACCESS TO EDUCATION Forum, Chat Line, Help Desk
Scuola Elementare Dante Alighieri Arona 2 - Mercurago (Novara), Italy: Co-ordinator of the validation of the voice-to-text subtitling prototype;
Scuola Elementare Livio Tempesta, Lecce, Italy: Voice-to-text with Albanian/Kossovo immigrated
Scuola Elementare e Materna, 1° Circolo, Cantù (Como), Italy; Tests with AFA Association
Liceo Artistico Frattini, Varese, Italy: Voice-to-text, deaf students and arts
Liceo Scientifico Oriani, Ravenna, Italy: Voice-to-text for deaf students
Liceo Scientifico Omodeo, Mortara (Pavia), Italy: Voice-to-text for teaching foreign languages
Liceo Scientifico, Pavia, Italy: Tests on subtitling prototype
Istituto Odontotecnico IPSIA, Pavia, Italy;
IPSIA L. Cremona, Pavia, Italy;
Scuola Elementare 3° Circolo, Pavia, Italy;
Istituto Professionale Statale Agricoltura e Ambiente aggr. IPSIA Marelli, Milano, Italy: Tests with Livio Tempesta school Lecce;Informatics group and cybergirls
Liceo Scientifico Statale, Gavirate (Varese), Italy;
Istituto Tecnico Statale di Comunicazioni Multimediali (ITSOS), Milan, Italy; Video-cassettes and video-conferences;
Istituto Cobianchi, Verbania, Italy: Informatics groups and Web site
Liceo Classico Dante Alighieri, Ravenna, Italy:
IPSSCT Sraffa, Crema, Italy: Students with disability group;
Istituto Professionale Statale Industria e Artigianato per Sordomuti T. Pendola, Padova, Italy: Students with hearing impairment
Istituto Tecnico Statale Commerciale per Sordi A. Magarotto, Padova, Italy;
Institut für Hör- und Sehbildung (IHSB), Linz, Austria: Deaf or blind user needs analysis and validation of voice-to-text subtitling
Bundes Blinden Institut, Wien, Austria
Odilieninstitut, Graz, Austria: Tests with IHSB and Kepler University;
Sonderpädagogisches Zentrum, Freistadt/Unterweißenbach, Austria;
Ecole Communale de la Ville de Chimay, Belgium;
Group of schools linked to the AV-Mediendidaktik Association, Husum (Germany);
Educational Endeavour Computer Science for the Blind, Kepler University of Linz, Austria: Access to the Internet for persons with visual or hearing impairment
University of Political Sciences, Genova, Italy: Tests with FIADDA Association
Disability Group of the University of Padova, Italy: Integration of students with disability
Institute of Special Education of the University of Bologna, Italy: Disability working-group with RAI Italian Television
Polo Didattico e Tecnologico di Ricerca di Crema, Italy: Studies and workshops on technology and disability
Department of Electronics of the University of York Heslington York, United Kingdom: Research on music; sounds to images conversion
Other public institutions (libraries, etc.)
IRFED, Istituto Ricerca Formazione Documentazione, Varese, Italy: Training of remedial teachers on disability;
Provveditorato agli Studi di Varese, Italy: H-Groups of the provincial super-intendents of public education
Ufficio Disabilità della Provincia di Varese, Italy;
Provveditorato agli Studi di Pavia, Italy;
CDF: Centro Documentazione e Formazione, Nuove Tecnologie per l'Integrazione, Provveditorato Studi, Vicenza, Italy: Documentation on disability
APPRENDISOFT: Centro Documentazione Handicap, Provveditorato Studi, Verona, Italy;
ASL: Azienda Sanitaria Locale, Pavia, Italy;
ASL: Azienda Sanitaria Locale, Lecce, Italy;
Ospedale di Circolo, Sezione di Audiovestibologia, Varese, Italy: Video-conferencing remote control of prosthesis and re-education therapy
Ospedale Gaslini, Genova, Italy: Internet contacts with schools and help for children being in the hospital
Camphill Seminar für Anthroposophische Heilerziehung und Sozialtherapie am Bodensee, Heimsonderschule Föhrenbühl, Heiligenberg, Germany: Group therapy via the Internet.
Non-profit organisations (associations, etc.):Associations of the hearing impaired
FEPEDA: Fédération Européenne de Parents d'Enfants Déficiants Auditifs, c/o FIADDA: Co-ordination of contacts with the Associations of persons with disability
FIADDA: Famiglie Italiane Associate Difesa Diritti Audiolesi, Genova, Italy;
ALFA: Associazione Lombarda Famiglie Audiolesi, Milan, Italy: Liaison group with schools H-groups
AFA: Associazione Famiglie Audiolesi, Cantù (Como), Italy: Stenotype subtitling of conferences;
CECOEV: Centro Comunicare è Vivere, Milano, Italy: Collaboration in films subtitling for RAI and Mediaset television broadcasters
AFABI: Associazione Famiglie Bambini Ipoacusici, Varese, Italy:
Centro Consulenza Pedagogica, Trento, Italy: Pedagogic aspects in teaching for students with visual and hearing impairment
ANIR: Associazione Nazionale Insegnanti Religione, Italy: Coordination of teachers of religion;
APEDAF: Association Parents Enfants Déficients Auditifs Francophones, Bruxelles, Belgium;
TELECONTACT, Bruxelles, Belgium;
Handicap et Eglise, Charleroi, Belgium: Liaison group of church and disability.
ANPEDA: Association Nationale de Parents d'Enfants Déficiants Auditifs, Paris, France;
Cochlée Ile de France, Association de Parents d'Enfants Implantés, Paris, France;
NDCS, National Deaf Children's Society, London, United Kingdom.
Private companies:
Software houses and continous training centres
Software Solutions, Milano, Italy: Development of voice-to-text (for the deaf)
FBL, Mortara (Pavia), Italy: Development of voice-to-text (for the deaf) and text-to-voice (for the blind)
ObjectWay, Milano, Italy Web sites management
Access Systems International, Bruxelles, Belgium: Text-to-voice and other aids for the blind
NET: New Educational Technologies, Colorno (Parma), Italy: Continuous training centre and presentations to schools
CTL, Centro formazione, Milano, Italy: Continuous training centre and contacts with Chile