European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, VOICE Project
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Projects > Exploratory Research ACCESS > Summary

[Institute for Systems, Informatics and Safety]
Netdays-ACCESS 1999 Proposal
Access to Education for Persons with Disability


The aim of the Project is to improve the access to education by the use of new multimedia applications, for helping persons with disability in their education and training, as well as in accessing the Information Society.

The Project proposes not only the promotion of new technologies for helping students with disability, but also to stimulate and increase the use of new, widely diffused technologies, namely the Internet. The objective of the Project is that of uniting, by means of an Internet Forum, schools, public administrations, services providers and other organisations.

The proposed European Umbrella Project will help in transferring the information among the different schools and in discussing cross-national educational pedagogic aspects.
For this aim, an ACCESS TO EDUCATION Special Interest Users Group will be created and an Internet News-group and a Chat-line will be available for Net-meetings of teachers and students.
A support will be offered by multimedia tele-education systems, based on a ACCESS TO EDUCATION Help Desk and on some workshop, which will help in the initiation and training of teachers to the aspects of disability and more generally of the use of the Internet.

The Project will encourage the collaboration of students (particularly cybergirls) in contacting via Internet students with disability (more specifically with hearing impairment), with the aim of training their parents (particularly mothers) in accessing the Web.

Presentations at schools, a videoconference linked to a television transmission and a world wide Web search will draw the attention of the public on these themes.
The final goal is broader than the technical aspects related to the multimedia tools or to the Internet. The aim is that of a large awareness campaign, which will increase the awareness of teachers, students, families and people at home, on the problems encounter by students with special needs in the school and in the society, in everyday aspects related to education.
The use of the Internet as a communication tool and its pedagogic value will be underlined, preparing the younger generations to the challenges of the third millennium.

Theme Categories

Project Target Groups

Type of Activities

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