DE4104 - Disabled and Elderly
Deliverable D07.1
Project Number: DE-4104
Project Title: VOICE:
Giving a VOICE to the deaf,
by developing awareness of VOICE to text recognition capabilities
Deliverable Type: (PU/LI/RP): PU
(Type: PU-public, LI-limited, RP-restricted)
Deliverable Number: D07.1
Contractual Date of Delivery: 1/99
Actual Date of Delivery:2/99
Title of Deliverable: The ICCHP-98 VOICE Section's Proceedings
Work-Package contributing to the Deliverable: WP7
Nature of the Deliverable: (PR/RE/SP/TO/OT): RE
Nature: PR-Prototype, RE-Report, SP-Specification,
TO-Tool, OT-Other
G. Wagner, K. Miesenberger, M. Köttstorfer, G.Pirelli,
A. Paglino, A. Mezzanotte
Abstract: The deliverable reports on the involvement of the VOICE project into the ICCHP' 99, the 6th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, organised in the frame of the 15th IFIP World Computer Congress. The VOICE project presented the new development of voice to text recognition and other projects related to the field. Papers, a poster and a workshop with 65! Participants were organised. Additionally, the first meeting of the Special Interest User Group was held after the VOICE workshop
Keyword List: Speech to Text Recognition, Deafness, Hearing Impairment
1. THE VOICE PROJECT: Part 1 - General Overview
2. The VOICE Project: Part 2 - Hardware configuration and Software Developments
3. The VOICE Project: Part 3 - The communication needs of the deaf