DE4104 - Disabled and Elderly
Deliverable D08.1
Project Number: DE-4104
Project Title: VOICE:
Giving a VOICE to the deaf,
by developing awareness of VOICE to text recognition capabilities
Deliverable Type: (PU/LI/RP): PU
(Type: PU-public, LI-limited, RP-restricted)
Deliverable Number: D08.1
Title of Deliverable: The HANDImatica'98 VOICE Workshop's Proceedings
Work-Package contributing to the Deliverable: WP8
Nature of the Deliverable: (PR/RE/SP/TO/OT): RE
Nature: PR-Prototype, RE-Report, SP-Specification,
TO-Tool, OT-Other
G.Pirelli, A. Paglino, A. Mezzanotte, T. Ponti, C. Carabelli
The deliverable is split into 2 parts:
The Deliverable D08.1.a. reports on the presentations
of the VOICE Project at the HANDImatica'99 Conference and Exhibition
on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, organised in Bologna.
The VOICE Project presented the new development of voice to text recognition
and other projects related to the field. A workshop with 40 Participants
and a stand with 1000 Visitors in three days were organised. Additionally,
a meeting of the Special Interest User Group was held after the
VOICE workshop.
The Deliverable also includes a document by CECOEV Association of the
hearing imparired on the user needs for television broadcasts' subtitling.
The Deliverable D08.1.b. reports on a Workshop on the
VOICE Project, organised at Pavia in order to present the prototype
demonstrator to the schools participating to the tests of the system.
The Deliverable also includes some press review and pictures, confirming
the particular interest of the users and of the media.
Keyword List: Speech to Text Recognition, Deafness, Hearing Impairment, automatic subtitling