European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, VOICE Project
TAP > Reports

DE-4104 VOICE Project
giving a VOICE to the deaf
by developing awareness of
VOICE to text recognition capabilities


[Voice Logo]



(Part 2)


Most of the Project's documents have been loaded on the VOICE Web Site. This allows a larger visibility of the results and is a way of encouraging the users to access more frequentyly the site.
The Site Map tries to offer an easier access to the users, following a simple logic of dates and events, while the formal Deliverables are related to a more complex schema.
In order to avoid photocoping several times a larger number of pages, we have chosen to join part of the deliverables, as it explained in the next page.


Deliverable D02.1: Pamphlet

This Deliverable had been foreseen in the Project Programme either as a Pamphlet, or a Video-cassette, or a CD-ROM. We have preferred to submit a Video-cassette, that we have prepared for ICCHP'98 Conference and then presented to several other conferences and meetings.
We have at each event provided the participants with copies of specific pages of the VOICE Web Site, as a way of spreading information on the Site and on the Project's Web and E-mail addresses.
Some of these pages are annexed in the Deliverables D08.1.a. and D08.2.b., while we have already sent to Brussels the Video-cassette.

Deliverable D04.1: User needs

All the Project's Partners have spent particular care in analysing the user needs, by discussing all details with the users and by submitting them different releases of the prototype. The Consortium has developed the new releases taking into accounts the users' suggestions.
The users have also prepared some reports on their needs and on their tests, which are annexed to the Deliverables D07.1. (in German and English, more general at the starting of the Project), D08.1.a. (in Italian, more related to subtitling of television broadcasts) and D08.1.b
. (in Italian, more related to experiences in schools).

Deliverable D05.1: Demonstrator

This Deliverable presents some documents explaining the Demonstrator's conceptual approach, its development and the instructions for the users.

Deliverable D06.1: Web Forum

This actually is delivered on the Web, and includes the other deliverables here presented as well as several information from the Associations of the hearing impaired.

Deliverable D07.1: ICCHP'98 Proceedings

This Deliverable presents the Conference and Workshops' Programme, the Proceedings and reports on the Workshop and User Group meeting.

Deliverable D08.1: HANDImatica'98 Proceedings

This Deliverable presents the Conference and Workshops' Programme, the Proceedings and reports on the Workshop and User Group meeting.
Since we agreed to split a larger conferences into a few smaller events, we also split this Deliverable into:
D08.1.a. HANDImatica Conference and Exhibition in Bologna and
D08.1.b. Workshop in Pavia.
The deliverables also include some press review and pictures, confirming the particular interest of the users and of the media.

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