European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, VOICE Project
English | Italiano

VOICE Web Site
Web Site's suggested rules
Files' names

As far as possible, we try to limit the directories names' length to 8 characters and to use only small characters (in some cases we encountered lenth limits or mispelling problems between small and capital letters).

We also try to limit, as far as possible, the file names' length to 8 characters and to use only small characters (in some cases we encountered lenth limits or mispelling problems between small and capital letters).

Most of the home pages' names start with an underscore _ , except a few ones that are named home in order to allow automatic addressing to reach them (Voice, Forum, Access, Moise, Alfa, Cecoev, Arona, home pages).
In almost all the directories there is an home page with the same name of the directory,
for instance, in the directory media the home page file name is _media_en.htm
nevertheless in some cases the names are different,
for instance, in the directory website the home page file name is _map_en.htm

Most of the file names end (before of the extension *.xxx) by an underscore _ followed by a letter indicating the language:

_en for English,
_de for German (Deutsche),
_es for Spanish (Espagnol),
_fr for French,
_it for Italian,
_lis for Italian Sign Language,
_pt for Portuguese.

Often the file names end (before of the extension *.xxx) by an underscore _ followed by a character indicating a few specific use of the file:

_o for Original files (a copy of a source file that has been modified for publication on the Site; for instance a .DOC file received from a user asking to publish part of it on the Site);
_0 for Original files (copy 0, when there are numbered copies _1, _2);
_u for Unused files (a copy of a source file that has not been published on the Site, but that is still interesting to keep in view of possible use).

Most of the directories contain a subdirectory with the same name beginning by an underscore _ , containing the images of that directory.

Often the images' file names end with an underscore _ followed by the letter:

_m to indicate a Mini image (of approximately 3x4 cm), which will be linked to a larger image (with the same name);
_f to indicate an image of a Photo in a size of approximately 10x15 cm (possibly with resolution 72 pixels/inch);
_s to indicate a Selection or a rotation or other modifications of the file (a Smaller image, still in a reasonable quality);
_c to indicate a Compression (with definition's reduction).

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