The participants to a significant number of events organised
by the VOICE Project underlined the need of increased collaboration among
the television broadcasters in the development and harmonisation of subtitling
in European television broadcasting. Many television broadcasters, subtitling
firms and associations of users confirmed their interest in this area.
This initiative aims at setting up the basis for such a collaboration and
at doing together the first steps in this direction. The project started in
the frame of JRC Exploratory Research Programme in 2001, which continued
during the year 2002. CENELEC Normalistion Commettee joined the idea and created
the Group Television for All. In the European Year of People
with Disabilities 2003 we are encouraging this awareness rising process
and spreading information on the first results, more particularly by the Conference
eAccessibility by Voice on the 24-25 November at JRC-Ispra.
Related links (from section Events and Projects):