Following the request of the VOICE Project's users
of increased collaboration among the television broadcasters in the
development and harmonisation of broadcasts' subtitling, and the JRC
Exploratory Research Project Development and harmonisation
of subtitling in European television broadcasting, a declaration
of interest by the EC InterService Group on Disability, chaired by EC
Directorate General Employment, put the focus on needs of people with
disabilities in the frame of the European Year of People with Disabilities
The design for all approach of EC Directorate General
Information Society is taken into account too, as well as the aspects
of standardisation supported by EC Directorate General Enterprise. The
latter helped in establishing the contacts with CEN/CENELEC/ETSI in
harmonisation, so that the first presentation of the proposal after
its approuval was in the 22nd ICT Standards Board meeting in Sophia
Antipolis (Nice, France) on 3rd July 2001.
A few meetings were held at CENELEC in Brussels, respectively on 13th
December 2001, 22nd January, 15th February, 20th March and 7th May 2002,
followed by the Seville Conference TV: Broadcasting for All in
Seville on 13-14 June 2002 and the creation of the CENELEC Working Group
Television for All. The European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the
European Disability Forum (EDF), several associations of people with
disabilities and representatives of different organisations participate
to the Working Group. Further meetings have been held in Brussels in
October 2002 and on 29 January 2003, in Barcelona on 28 October 2003.
This Web Site is an opportunity of creating a reference point for discussing the problems related to television subtitling:
We will make available all the information that you will send us and keep an agenda for contacts, meetings and tests.
Related Links (see section Events):