European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, VOICE Project
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VOICE Project: Users' Forum
Giacomo Pirelli

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

Name: Giacomo Raffaele Pirelli
Address: Cesare Battisti Street 229 CP 21027 ISPRA (VA) - ITALY
Telephone: +39-0332-7181969
Fax: +39-0332-786565
E-mail: (or )
Nationality: Italian
Date of birth: 7th May 1981

Work experience

2004-05 University stage in Eventiduemila firm in Turin for the Multidams
2001-02 Stage in the Reggiani firm in Varese for the ENAIP

Education and training

2005 leaving of Bachelor with the mark 105/110
2002-2005 course in Multimedia and Cinema (MultiDams) at the University of Turin

2002 professional qualification certificate with the mark 7/10,
2001-2002 annual course of Web Design Engineer for ENAIP Lumbardy, Varese.

2001 leaving certificate with the mark 70/100
1996-2001 Artistic high school in Varese

Personal skills and competences

Good skill in writing and comprehending English written language.
Basic comprehension of French written language.

Social skills

Friendly approach, reliability, good looking, cheerful and sociable.

Organisational skills

Good free time management, medium capacity to plan my time.

Technical skills

Medium knowledge of the Windows and Macintosh systems.
Good knowledge of MS OFFICE software.

Web Sites planning:
good knowledge of DREAMWEAVER MX

Graphic software:
good knowledge of ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 7.0 and FIREWORKS MX,
basic knowledge of PREMIERE 6.5. and AVID.

Animation software:
good knowledge of FLASH MX and 3Ds max 5.1.

Artistic skills and competencies

I’ve the originality, the creativity and the fantasy to create the multimedia works as the web sites, some 2D and 3D animations, the video, etc.
I’m rather good at appreciating the paintings and in recognising their authors for my interests about Arts.

Other skills and competencies

I practise Nordic Skiing since more than 10 years.
At present I participiate at the trainings and the championship of university volleyball.
In last years I practised rowing and funky hip hop dance.
Sporting interest in soccer, beach volley, cyclism and tennis.
Willingness to learn

Experiences of voluntary works

Since more than 10 years I collaborate with the Association of deaf families of Cantù near Como and the Association of deaf families of Lumbardy in Milan for many activities of voluntary work and for the technical aspects of the Voice Project of the European Commission Joint Research Centre.

Driving Licence

Clean driving licence obtained in Varese in 2002

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