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VOICE Project: Users' Forum
Giacomo Pirelli

During my studies I realized a few Web Sites and other specific applications. Then I did some two and three dimensional animations for the course in Multimedia and Cinema in 2004.

I prepared a short Thesis that I presented and discussed at the examination:
Art, Literature and History in Fascist period
At the end of the year of a course of Web Design for the ENAIP, I did a stage in a firm in Varese and I created a Web Site for the Comunicare no-profit society.
On January 2003, I created as assignment for the University a Web Site of testing for the Parada association for the support of "Ragazzi di Bucarest".
Subsequently, for an exam of Human- computer Interaction, I realized an other work " Star Costumes " with some Web pages. The approach differs above all for the fact that the Web Parada’s pages were essentially static in HTML, whereas some of the pages Star Costumes are dynamic and realized with a programming language Javascript.
For an exam of Design History, in 2004 I realized a Web site which talked about design history from 1851 to our days. This site has web pages which are created with Fireworks and Javascript for the pop up menu with Flash for some animations, the buttons and images lists.
During summer vacations of 2004, in Salignano in Apulia I contributed to the restructuring of my house and to the design of some stained glass windows. This share is like a university stage and is an application of theories in a concrete reality.
I passed the third-last important exam of multimedia planning in 2005. I created a complex web site called " Ateneopoli ".This site represents a development and planning roles of a modern and multimedia version of a classic game Monopoli of the thirties, proposing a degree way of Multidams:
The simulation of a formative iter of a student with his great enthusiasm, but the well-known administrative and bureaucratic difficulties.
For English course, I prepared the Showcase Digital Portfolio with my curriculum vitae and an analysis of literary and cinema works.
I attended a stage for the Eventiduemila firm and I created the Web Site:
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