European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, VOICE Project
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Education > Sport > Skiing:Training

The VOICE Project
European Project
Youth overcoming barriers

Meeting of European young people with different abilities
Exchange of experiences of life in integration
Values of spare time and of adapted sporting activities

Notes of Giacomo Pirelli, deaf sporting (Nordic skiing)

Last July some disabled students and I participated in a meeting with a disabled non profit association in Turin and the disability unit of the University. We talked about the European project of sports integration for young people with disabilities between the ages of 15 and 30. This project is an important event for preparing the Paralympic Games of 2006.
Different disabled students will probably meet in Turin and in Sestriere in Italy in March 2005. They will tell their sports experiences and demonstrate that everyone is able to practise winter sports, overcoming the difficulties caused by their different impairments.
When we talk about sport for people with disabilities, we inevitably think of the difficulties encountered by athletes with visual or motor problems. Nevertheless, those who have a hearing impairment, meet specific difficulties that are less evident, but still important.
I'm deaf and find it difficult to do a regular Nordic skiing competition because I cannot hear the start acoustic signal, the messages on the loudspeaker that indicate the last lap or kilometre of the race, a possible alarm, etc. During training sessions, I may have difficulties to understand suggestions made by the trainer at a distance, or to ask him questions and I always have to stop to lipread.
All these aspects could be improved by a detailed discussion and an exchange of experience and examples of good practise.

Giacomo Pirelli
November 2004

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