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Forum > Photos > Giacomo > Activities

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VOICE Project: Users' Forum
Giacomo Pirelli

... as I was saying, I do different interesting activities that I often notify in the Web pages of this Site.

The first one was long time ago... when I visited the Walt Disney studios in Milan and saw the designers at work on Mickey Mouse. Elisa Penna, in charge of the lectors' letters, wrote a nice text and published it with a picture of mine with my brother Lorenzo.
I went to Kites' festival in Cervia from 25th to 28th April 2002. Through the pleasure of kite's evolutions, I had two exciting meetings: Maria Teresa Ruta and Ray Bethell.
On Sunday 9 June 2002 I participated at the AGUAV festival in Villa Ponti in Varese. I met many persons, particularly the doctor Sandro Burdo and the speech therapist Raffaella Moalli that are two pleasant persons, sensitive at the problems of people with hearing impairment.
I've been to Canada with my family for a month's holidays in August 2002. We met again the great Ray Bethell that taught us controlling kites' evolutions.
During the summer holidays of 2004 in the Salento, I participated in different local festivals and at the parade of costumes of age where I met a nice small fairy.
During the Christmas holidays in 2005 I visited in Bruges the exhibition of ice and snow sculptures: a wonderful show of artistic sculptures and coloured lights, at the temperature of 6 degrees below zero!

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