Olivier Le Dour
EC Directorate Biotechnologies and Health, RTD Health Research Unit
Born 1966 in Rennes, France.
Graduated as an engineer from the National higher school of Physics,
Strasbourg. PhD in biomedical engineering from the Louis Pasteur University
(Doctoral works performed at Siemens laboratories in Erlangen, Germany).
Worked at NIH (Bethesda, USA), The Val de Grâce military hospital
(Paris, France) and the Siemens Medical Division (Paris, France).
Joined the European Commission in 1994 as a scientific officer in charge
of the follow-up of EC-funded Biomedical technologies projects from
the BIOMED Programme. Currently assistant to the Director of Health
Research, Octavi Quintana-Trias.
The EC role and the support to medical research: