European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, VOICE Project
Events > 2003 > eAccessibility > Program

JRC Closing Event for the
European Year of People with Disabilities 2003
Conference eAccessibility by Voice:
VOICE Recognition supporting people
with hearing or other disabilities
Conference Centre Casa Don Guanella, Barza/Ispra
24 and 25 November 2003
Conference's Program

Monday 24

12.30-13.00: Lunch will be available for the earlier arriving participants

13.30-14.30: Participants' registration and

14.30-16.45: Television: Broadcasting for All

The VOICE Project's users underlined the need of increased collaboration among the television broadcasters in the development and harmonisation of subtitling in European television broadcasting. Many television broadcasters, subtitling firms and associations of users confirmed their interest in this area. An initiative aiming at setting up the basis for such a collaboration and at doing together the first steps in this direction started in the frame of the JRC Exploratory Research Programme, with the encouragent of several EC Directorates General. It helped in creating the CENELEC Working Group Television for All and in organising a Conference in Seville on June 2002. The CENELEC Group's final report, completed in a meeting in Barcelona on the 28th October 2003, will be presented.

The television broadcasters will present their activities on broadcasts' subtitling and more particularly their results on on-line subtitling of news and sport events by voice recognition:

16.30-17.00: Coffee break and snacks

17.00-19.30: The Associations meet the Experts

An opportunity of meeting and discussing between the international Experts attending the Conference, the Associations of people with disabilities and the Italian Local Authorities

19.30-21.00: Conference's Dinner

The discussion will continue during the dinner ...

21.00-22.00: Continuation of demonstrations at stands

The discussion will continue around a few presentations at the exhibition stands

The Conference's official languages will be English and Italian
with interpretation in both languages and on-line subtitling in Italian

The clock tower of the old religious centre, recently renewed
Piero Mongini Conference Centre at Don Guanella House

Tuesday 25

8.00-9.00: Breakfast and

9.00-11.00: The EC role in Disabilities and Research

11.00-11.30: Coffee break

11.30-12.30: Voice Recognition and Voice Handling Technologies

How voice may help in different situations all citizens and particularly those with disabilities:

12.30-14.00: Lunch

14.00-15.00: Subtitled Television Broadcasts

15.30-16.00: Coffee break

16.30-17.30: Education and access to information

17.30-17.50: Discussion panel, questions and answers

17.50-18.00: Closing of the Conference

A few boats and a small village on the Major Lake's shore
View of the Major Lake

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