Monday 24
12.30-13.00: Lunch will be available for the
earlier arriving participants
13.30-14.30: Participants' registration and
14.30-16.45: Television: Broadcasting for All
The VOICE Project's users underlined the need
of increased collaboration among the television broadcasters in the
development and harmonisation of subtitling in European television broadcasting.
Many television broadcasters, subtitling firms and associations of users
confirmed their interest in this area. An initiative aiming at setting
up the basis for such a collaboration and at doing together the first
steps in this direction started in the frame of the JRC Exploratory
Research Programme, with the encouragent of several EC Directorates
General. It helped in creating the CENELEC Working Group Television
for All and in organising a Conference in Seville on June 2002.
The CENELEC Group's final report, completed in a meeting in Barcelona
on the 28th October 2003, will be presented.
- 14.30: Antonio Conte,
EC Directorate Genereral Enterprise, Normalisation Unit, EC Standardisation
policy in support of e-accessibility
- 14.45: Giuliano Pirelli,
EC-JRC Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, VOICE Project's
Co-ordinator, The initial idea and the 2001-2002 activities
- 15.05: Marc Hoda, Royal National Institute
for the Deaf, Present activities and future plans, by a PowerPoint
presentation prepared by Gerry Stallart, expert of the Group
- 15.30: Guus Coenen, APEDAF-FOSS,
The needs of the final users
The television broadcasters will present their
activities on broadcasts' subtitling and more particularly their results
on on-line subtitling of news and sport events by voice recognition:
- 15.45: Lino De Seriis, RAI Italian
Television Broadcaster, Head of Televideo Subtitling Sector, The activities
of RAI on subtitling
- 16.00: Federico Neri,
Synthema Software House, The voice recognition propotype, developed
for RAI and under validation tests, with languages tools for improving the
recognition quality
- 16.15: Bernd Benecke, Bayerisches
Fernsehen, Language Department, Audio Description, What Audio Description
may do on accessibility to visual impaired people for TV, DVD, Cinema or
16.30-17.00: Coffee break and snacks
17.00-19.30: The Associations meet the Experts
An opportunity of meeting and discussing between
the international Experts attending the Conference, the Associations
of people with disabilities and the Italian Local Authorities
- 17.00: Willem
Janssens, EC-JRC Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen,
The EC Joint Research Centre role and activities
- 17.15: Angelo Gorla, Provincia di
Varese, Dirigente Settore Politiche Sociali (participation not
confirmed), The activities in favour of people with disability: the
Institutions' role in supporting their integration in the social life
- 17.30: Giuliano Pirelli,
EC-JRC Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, VOICE Project's
co-ordinator, Welcome, with the collaboration of:
- 17.35: Mattia Muratore, A
posive way of living life, even within phisical important limits
- 17.45: a videotape: The RAI television spot on the European
Year 2003
- 17.50: Giacomo Pirelli,
student of MultiDams (Multimedia, Cinema and Theatre) University of
Turin, My experience with a communication support for the university
- 18.00: Magali Rendu, AFIDEO,
Association Francaise pour l'Information et la Défense des Sourds
s'Exprimant Oralement, What young hearing impaired people do expect
from the Society, from the television broadcasters, from this Conference
- 18.10: Siegfried Karg,
Pro Audito Schweiz BVVS, Vice-President of EFHOH European Federation of
Hard of Hearing, Do only hearing impaired people need subtitles?
- 18.25: Emilia Tinelli Bonadonna,
President of ALFA Association of Families of people with hearing impairment,
The Italian specific legislation for the integration of pupils with
disabilities in the School
- 18.40: Elio Parodi, President
of AFA Association of Families of people with hearing impairment, The
experience gained in collaborating with the VOICE Project
- 19.00: Serena Luraschi, co-ordinator
of the AFA Jouth Group, The pamphlet Decalogo: ten basic rules helping
communication among people with or without hearing impairment
- 19.10: Rosario
Marretta, co-ordinator of the Deafness Group of the Lions Club North-West
Lombardia (108 Ib1), The spoken book for people with visual impairment
- 19.25: The president of the JRC Italian Presidency Semester will welcome
the participants and Luisa Paracchini,
President of the JRC-Ispra Photo Club, will offer a book with pictures taken
either by people with disabilities or by the members of the Club on themes
of disabilities
19.30-21.00: Conference's Dinner
The discussion will continue during the dinner
21.00-22.00: Continuation of demonstrations
at stands
The discussion will continue around a few presentations
at the exhibition stands
The Conference's official languages will be English
and Italian
with interpretation in both languages and on-line subtitling in Italian

Piero Mongini Conference Centre at Don Guanella House
Tuesday 25
8.00-9.00: Breakfast and
9.00-11.00: The EC role in Disabilities and
- 9.00: Frank Marx,
EC Directorate General Employment and Social Affairs, Unit Integration of
People with Disabilities, chairing the Year2003 Project, EC Communication
on the policy follow up to the EYPD - Equal opportunities for people with
disabilities: A European Action Plan
- 9.20: Giovanni Daverio - Ministero
del Lavoro e delle politiche sociali, Direttore Generale (not confirmed),
The activities in favour of people with disability: the Institutions'
role in supporting their integration in the social life
- 9.20: Giuliano Pirelli,
EC-JRC Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, The
VOICE Project's activities and achievements in automatic subtitling of conferences
for people with hearing impairment
- 9.40: Fivos Andritsos, EC-JRC
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, The IST project
PARREHA Parkinsonians Rehabilitation by Intelligent Instrumentation
- 10:00: Olivier Le Dour, EC Directorate
Biotechnologies and Health, RTD Health Research Unit, The EC role and
the support to medical research
- 10.20: Hendrik Fehr, President of
EURO-CIU European Association of Cochlear Implant Users, The needs of
users with hearing disabilities
- 10.40: Sandro Burdo, Varese Hospital,
Handling and transforming voice in controlling cochlear implants
11.00-11.30: Coffee break
11.30-12.30: Voice Recognition and Voice Handling
How voice may help in different situations all
citizens and particularly those with disabilities:
- 11.30: Angelo Paglino, FBL Software
House, Webaccessibility, Web Sites' Accessibility and Usability
(demonstration of the VOICE Web Site and the Pavia University's Web Site)
- 11.45: Antonio Malafarina, Expert
of Accessibility problems, Web Accessibility by voice recognition, navigation
for people with phisycal impairment (demonstration on the VOICE Web
- 12.00: Daniele Cicuto, Migara Software
House, Consultant for Banca Popolare di Sondrio, The European experience
in banking for people with visual impairment (demonstration on the
VOICE Web Site and on the BPS Bank's Web Site)
- 12.15: Isabella Signorile, Politecnico
of Torino, Politecnico di Torino's experience in web and educational
resources accessibility
12.30-14.00: Lunch
14.00-15.00: Subtitled Television Broadcasts
- 14.00: David Padmore,
BBC, Senior Producer, Access Services, who led the project to introduce
speech recognition techniques to BBC live subtitling area, BBC targets
and how we intend to achieve them. He will present the activities,
by means also af a VHS of their live speech recognition in practice
- 14.40: Marc Hoda, Royal National Institute
for the Deaf, Television subtitling: the situation in UK and in Europe,
RNID's role, collaboration with EC and CENELEC; Europe without Frontiers
and the European Parliament vote to improve television access for disabled
- 15.10: Filomena Di Silvio, Scripsi
Studio Sottotitoli, The day by day activity in a subtiling firm: the
standard equipment, how it works
15.30-16.00: Coffee break
16.30-17.30: Education and access to information
- 16.30: Laura
Parodi, AFA Association of families of people with hearing impairment
and University of Milano-Bicocca, Better quality University lessons
for every student, including those with disabilities; interaction and
integration, her own experience and the thesis of other JRC previous stagiares
- 16.50: Davide Ferrazzi, RCM Milano
Community Network Foundation, and Communty Informatics Laboratory,
Computer Science Department, University of Milan, Community networks
as a tool to support and connect people with disabilityes and associations:
the relationship with the Associations of hearing impaired youth and the
- 17.10: Laura Marega, CSA Como, The
point of view of a hearing impaired teacher on her hearing students
17.30-17.50: Discussion panel, questions and
17.50-18.00: Closing of the Conference

View of the Major Lake