European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, VOICE Project
Events > 2003 > eAccessibility > Program > Pirelli Giacomo

JRC Closing Event for the
European Year of People with Disabilities 2003
eAccessibility by Voice:
VOICE Recognition supporting people
with hearing or other disabilities
Conference Centre Casa Don Guanella Barza/Ispra
24 and 25 November 2003
Preliminary detailed program and Curricula

Giacomo Pirelli

I'm twenty-two years old and I live in Ispra, above Lago Maggiore.
I attended an Artistic High Secondary School in Varese and I passed examination.
Then I attended an annual Web design course at ENAIP in Varese, with a practising work for Reggiani Varesin Spa and I passed professional qualification examination.
At present, I attend the second year of a course in Multimedia, Cinema and Theatre (MultiDams) at University in Turin.

I do many interesting activities that I often notify in the Web pages of this Site, from Parada theatrical show of Ragazzi di Bucarest to kites' festival and the meetings with Ray Bethell in Cervia and Vancouver, or with Maria Teresa Ruta and many others…

After having been operated on a surgical operation of cochlear implant, I'm in contact with AGUAV association of Varese and I participated in a Symposium in Berlin of EUROCIU Association on 3rd May 2003, where we've thought to create an European Group of Cochlear Implant young users.

I participated in television transmission "Life stories" of RAI-TRE on 18th May 2003.

More information and links are available in my personal Web Page on the VOICE Web Site:

My experience with a communication support for the university lectures:

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