European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, VOICE Project
Events > 2003 > eAccessibility > Program > Marx

JRC Closing Event for the
European Year of People with Disabilities 2003
eAccessibility by Voice:
VOICE Recognition supporting people
with hearing or other disabilities
Conference Centre Casa Don Guanella Barza/Ispra
24 and 25 November 2003
Preliminary detailed program and Curricula

Frank Marx

40 years old, has a background in Political Science and Economics as well as a degree in German literature.
He joined the European Commission in 1977, after experiences in cross border co-operation at the German office of the EUREGIO Maas-Rhein and the German Federal Ministry for Economics Affairs.
Since summer 2002 he is working for the Unit Integration of People with Disabilities in Directorate General Employment and Social Affairs.

European Commission Communication on the policy follow up to the EYPD
Equal opportunities for people with disabilities: A European Action Plan

The Communication outlines forward-looking EU initiatives aimed at the further inclusion of people with disabilities in an enlarged EU economy and society as a whole. Three operational objectives are central to the proposed approach: achieving full application of the Equal Treatment in Employment and Occupation Directive (2000/78/EC), reinforcing mainstreaming of disability issues in relevant Community policies, and improving accessibility for all.

In particular, this Communication introduces a rolling multi-annual Action Plan with the time horizon of 2010. The goal of the Action Plan is to mainstream disability issues into relevant Community policies and develop concrete actions in crucial areas to enhance the integration of people with disabilities.

As employment remains the most critical factor for social inclusion, the first phase of implementation of the Action Plan - which is due to be developed in 2004 and 2005 - will focus on creating the conditions necessary to promote the employment of people with disabilities, while making the mainstream labour market more accessible to them across the enlarged Union. Accordingly, the first phase of this Action Plan will concentrate on four concrete employment-related priority actions:
- access to, and retention in, employment including the fight against discrimination;
- lifelong learning to support and increase employability, adaptability, personal development and active citizenship;
- new technologies to empower people with disabilities and therefore facilitate access to employment;
- accessibility to the public built environment to improve participation in the work place and integration into the economy and society.
As an instrument to support mainstreaming of disability issues in key EU policies, the Commission will publish a biennial report on the overall situation of people with disabilities in the enlarged EU, taking on board new developments in the Member States. At the same time, the Commission proposes to reinforce the involvement of stakeholders and key players in the policy dialogue in order to bring about far reaching and lasting changes within the economy and society as a whole.

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