European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, VOICE Project
Events > 2003 > eAccessibility > Program > Pirelli Giuliano

JRC Closing Event for the
European Year of People with Disabilities 2003
eAccessibility by Voice:
VOICE Recognition supporting people
with hearing or other disabilities
Conference Centre Casa Don Guanella Barza/Ispra
24 and 25 November 2003
Preliminary detailed program and Curricula

Giuliano Pirelli

Giuliano Pirelli

EC official and scientist at JRC-IPSC, he is the scientific and technical co-ordinator of the VOICE Project, well experienced in both the technical field and the problems of deafness, as indicated in the following lines.
Graduated in Electronic Engineering in Turin and in Science of Information and Documentation in Brussels, he worked at FIAT in Turin in the field of simulations of automatic soldering robots and transfer machines, at the EU in Brussels in the field of legal information documentation and retrieval and at JRC-Ispra in the field of education and training.
About 15 years ago, both for professional interest in the matter and personal experience, as father of a deaf child, he had the opportunity to dedicate a limited amount of time to collect the available information in this field in the EC Services in Brussels as well as in international Organisations or local Associations.
Later on, after being transferred to JRC-Ispra, he suggested new ways of improving the use of technical aids for people with disabilities.
Since as 1996, he is in charge of the JRC-ISIS Exploratory Research Project Voice to text conversion for the deaf and (from 1998) of the VOICE Project Accompanying Measure supported by EC Directorate General Information Society.
As Scientific Co-ordinator of this project, he organised a series of conferences in order to develop an awareness rising process on the potentialities of voice-to-text recognition systems. Approximately 5000 participants attended to the workshops, in which a prototype of automatic subtitling, developed for this aim, was presented and used to on-line subtitle the speeches, as a demonstration of feisability and a way of validation on the field.
In 2001-2002 he has been in charge of the IPSC's Exploratory Research Project Development and harmonistation of subtitling in European television broadcasting, collaborating with CENELEC standardisation commettee and the European Broadcasting Union.
At present, he is performing several activities for the European Year of People with Disability 2003, in collaboration with the EC InterService Group on Disability (ISGD), chaired by EC Directorate General Employment and Social Affairs, as well as with other EC Directorates General and international organisations.

(the Curriculum Vitae may be found following the link CONTACTS at the bottom of the present page)

The VOICE Projects achievements:

A similar, but more detailed, report:

The VOICE Project and the European Year 2003:

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Several participants (and particularly the interpreters) asked me for some document presenting a general overview of this area. I would suggest to read the above mentioned detailed DOC file and the following two HTML files:

Editorial Broadcasting for All, by Philip Laven, on the EBU Technical Review

A journalistic overview i teleaspettatori on television subtitling in Europe, by Massimiliano Rubbi


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