European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, VOICE Project
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Events > 2003 > eAccessibility > Registration

JRC Closing Event for the
European Year of People with Disabilities 2003
Conference eAccessibility by Voice:
VOICE Recognition supporting people
with hearing or other disabilities
Conference Centre Casa Don Guanella, Barza/Ispra
24 and 25 November 2003
Registration and practical arrangements


The participation to the Conference is free of charge. Nevertheless registration is necessary, on the basis of first come first served list. Please send by e-mail the form at the bottom of the present page.

Interpretation and subtitling

The Conference's official languages will be English and Italian. Interpretation in the two languages will be available, as well as subtitling, either by voice recognition or by stenotype systems. (In principle, no sign language interpretation is foreseen: due to budget selection criteria, priority has been given to subtitling, more related to the Conference's themes)


The Conference will be held in the Centro Congressi Piero Mongini of the Casa Don Guanella in Barza/Ispra (Varese), with full accomodation in an accessible building

Please inform them on any specific need concerning accessibility, preferably including a copy of the information in the form at the bottom of the present page.

Bed&Breakfast accomodation will be charged at 35 Euro.
Please book the room sending by e-mail the form at the bottom of the present page (first come first served list).

The Conference's organisation will offer:
on Monday, the dinner, as well as the afternoon coffee break and snacks,
on Tuesday, the lunch and the two coffee breaks.
(For the early arriving participants, the self-service lunch will be available on Monday and will be charged at 12 Euro, preferably upon reservation)

Location and transportation

The Conference will be held at Ispra (Varese, Italy), approximately 30km north of Milano-Malpensa airport

Even if Ispra has got a railway station (2km), more trains are available at Sesto Calende railway station (15km), or at that of Besozzo (10km).

The Conference's organisation may provide a shuttle car service from Milano-Malpensa airport or from the railway stations. Please send by e-mail the form at the bottom of the present page, possibly one week in advance.

By car, motorway A8 Milano-Laghi, exit Vergiate-SestoCalende, follow the direction for Laveno-Luino, exit Travedona-Monate towards Ispra; after Cadrezzate, white indication for Casa Don Guanella. (If you'll miss the indication, you'll get to the JRC main entrance; take the road in front of it, after 400 meters turn right and after 300 meters enter in the gate on the right). For more details and an other map, follow the above mentioned link to the Conference Centre.

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