European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, VOICE Project
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Education > University > Thesis > Thesis proposal

Work Placements, Stages and Thesis opportunities at the VOICE Laboratory

In the frame of the areas of research generally described within these Web pages, we might propose to one or two students reading computer science at university, or also electronic engineering, languages, economics, sociology/psycology, to carry out their thesis with us.
This may be done unpaid (ie as a Stagaire) at the JRC, Ispra Site, where there is the advantage of being directly in contact with other researchers and having the necessary equipment, or at the University where the student is currently studying. The latter is really only advisable in the case where a supervisor would prefer for his student to be closer at hand, and in this case all communications, submissions and transfer of work will be done via Internet.
These thesis are foreseen for any student. Due to the specific aim of the project, a deaf student is particularly welcome. Students with other disabilities may also contact us, but we will have to check that the facilities we offer handle their particular needs. We may also consider a proposal for a PhD or a PostDoc 2 years (paid) period at JRC on these themes.

Some of the possible lines of work for such a placement:

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